Welcome to Episode #4 our first ever mini episode. This time Suzi is hosting as she welcomes Cindy aka @beinghuman3 as she tells us all why she loves Being Human.
Okay so here it is Episode 3, our extended Christmas and New Year hiatus is over and behind the scenes we have been working hard to tighten up the shows format, firm up our schedule for 2010 and launch some new ideas.
Now this episode was supposed to have posted on the 29th, that’s the bad, the good is that we are not going to slip back the overall schedule because of this. So this means that in a weeks time you will get another episode of the Being Human Cast, and this will be our first mini episode.
Released on April 12th, the second series of Being Human is now available for pre-order at Amazon UK.
So how can you get involved?
As we discuss in the show if you want to send us your ‘Why I Love Being Human’ story then please send your MP3 recording to feedback@beinghumancast.com . Or alternatively send us the text as an email and either myself or Suzi will read it out.
So we’re back at last with Episode 2 in which we review Episode 2 of Being Human, at times I think Suzi and I wondered if this would ever get posted. To say life has been manic for us both…
Anyway here it is, hopefully you’ll enjoy it, if you do please leave comments on the site, on iTunes etc.
As we never got chance to post about it at the time we just want to send our congratulations to the BBC team for all the awards the show has gotten in the last few weeks:
Well here we are with our first proper episode. This month Suzi and Andy battled with Skype to record this for you, although hopefully you won’t be able to tell…
We discuss Polo mints, UK airports oh and also Episode One.
I hope you enjoy it, please feel free to email us / leave comments, here or on iTunes etc. We’d both love to hear what you think…
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